Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A catch up

its been about 5 months since i have writen in this blog. in that time bobby has become very mature. he has gotten a beautiful
black coat and has been gelded.

he sadly indjered his leg and had to be xrayed 2 times. after a long time his knee healed and we got on with his training.

he now lives on a farm with an x racehorse and in there paddock they have lots of good feed, a large dam for swimming in and a great place to run.

he has recently needed to learn the halter (headstall). i wasn't there for this experience but we had a profetional horse trainer teach him to float and i think to ware a halter.

at his new farm, bobby learnt the ropes, flexing and aproach/withdraw.

the ropes is easy to teach a young horse. all you need to do is throw a rope jently over his/her back. then you sit the rope over the horses back, lean down while holding your end of the rope, grab the other end of the rope and stand still holding both ends. hold the two ends of rope gently but tightish around the horses girth spot. this teaches the young horse the feeling of the girth.

flexing is where you hold your horses tail and head (halter) and gently tug on the tail to try and make the horse sniff its tail. do this on both sides of the horse reguarly so that your horse just needs to turn its head to look insted of tuning its whole body. give your a horse a great reward when it has done the right thing.

aproach/withdraw is where your horse stands still, facing you on a lead, you walk towards your horse, rub it on the head then walk back. repeat this 4 or 5 times before stoping. this makes the horse more confident when some one walks up to give him/her a pat.

bobby has recently turned 1 year old. for his b'day, i made him a cake of hay, grated carrot and grated apple. he didnt have to do anthing but chill out at his party.

bobby lives with another horse named brown eyed boy. he is an x racehorse. sometimes when bobby and brown eyed boy are apart for to long, they race around the paddock. dad drives the little red ute around after them while i pretend to be the loudspeaker at the races.

when bobby was gelded, he had to trot for 20 min a day. so we tide him up to the little red ute and drove in circles. i held him for about 10 min before sherridan took over because i was too scared. then bobby, brown eyed boy and dad did 1 of there big preformances.

that is all i have to say for now and you are all caught up.

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