Monday, May 17, 2010

Yesterday we met Bobby's brother!

Yesterday we met Bobby's brother Slick. He will be shown with Bobby and so far they seem like good friends. Amanda's plan is to
show them together in the sire competition. I think in it you lead both horses side by side showing how well the sire has bred the colts and their conformation.

Slick is a black purebred 18 month old colt. He lives in a coral with a black 29 year old Shetland pony from down the road. The pony is ridden by lots of kids nearby but for now he's just keeping Slick company. He and Bobby are going to run in paddocks next to each other.

Bronte and I went down to the dam and had a play. After that we went down to say Hi to Bobby. We petted him for a bit and he was a bit nippy but i managed to stop him from biting me and Bronte had a bit of a try and she wasn't nipped either! Just before we went back up to where Slick is Bobby ran away from Bronte when she was patting him and shied at Julliette almost kicking her when he bucked which is why we decided to come back to the top paddock.

We came up and went looking for crystals in one of the mare's paddocks. I was successful at finding lots of different sorts except there were also lots of different shaped rocks. Later I brought them all home and I found a large rock that was full of crystals.

Dad called over that Amanda was going to put Slick's rug on and because he is really flighty and easily scared we watched that from a far distance. Then we walked over to meet him and I thought he was a very beautiful horse who seemed interested in us but still nervous so he would stand by the fence and sniff at us but he always kept his distance. After a bit he decided that he was ok with us and he kept sniffing.

After that we brought some hay from the shed for the horses and we dumped it just inside the fence and then put some of the hay into Slick's coral. Bobby smelt the hay and came cantering up the paddock to give us a big display of cantering , trotting and showing off with his tail in the air and his beautiful springy steps.

Today was a great visit to the farm and all the horses.

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